29 Mar

What do you think a business needs to have to be profitable? Working capital, committed employees or many clients may have been the first answers that came to your mind. In fact, all of this is essential for the proper functioning of a company, but there is one fundamental element that must be considered: its visual identity.

For some people, creating the brand's visual identity is an expense that can linger for later. In fact, when crisis tightens, marketing is the first industry to receive cuts. However, if you want to stay relevant in the market, it is essential to view your visual identity as an investment. In this post, you will learn more about the subject and know the advantages of having a specialized brand design agency to take care of the disclosure of your services.

What is visual identity?

It is the set of graphical elements that represent your company, institution or product visually. Together, they represent the values and ideals of the business to the public. It is common to confuse visual identity with a logo, but this is only one element in this arrangement, which also includes typography, colors, promotional materials and other elements that are part of communication, such as e-mail signature, website institutional, etc. 

Why Visual Identity Can Make a Difference in Your Business?

If your institution does not have a visual identity, it is as if it has no face. The consequence of this is that your customers may not remember you in the future and prefer a competitor with a more professional image. Realize that this visual perception has no relation to the quality of your services. As good as they are, if there is not a strong brand, competition can attract more people using more effective communication. A good visual identity is responsible for fixing your brand design agency in the memory of the public, causing it to be identified without difficulties.

Here are some of the key advantages of hiring an agency to create your visual identity!

Conveys more credibility and professionalism:

A creative logo and aligned with company values already make a great first impression for your audience. It is natural for the consumer to associate a good brand image with the quality and seriousness of the service, so it is necessary to have someone with enough experience at the time of creation because color can change the whole meaning of the message. 

Improves communication, including digital

A specialized agency will create your brand strategy and thinking about your communication as a whole. It will be done thinking about the application in graphic materials, the structuring of your site, social networks, etc.  Its visual identity is fundamental so that the client understands with who is communicating, mainly on the internet.

Increases engagement with the audience

Visual identity also plays a key role in customer loyalty and increased engagement. When the brand gets the right message, its audience identifies with it and has a strong sense of belonging.  This requires careful study, audience research, and in-depth design knowledge to achieve the perfect result. And nothing better than an agency to do all that work for you.

Strengthens the company's positioning

Your brand identity needs to position itself not only to have visibility in the market but to be seen by the right audience. Which clients you want to meet, how you expect your business to be recognized, and what it is associated with are elements that are resolved with strong positioning.

Developing a well-structured branding agency is synonymous with market presence and, of course, an investment in business growth. But be careful! A job misaligned with your proposal can have the opposite effect and cause great losses. This is a serious job and it requires a lot of study and commitment, so always prefer to have a specialized team instead of doing everything yourself. I hope the tips in this post have been helpful and enlightening.

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