04 Apr

With the growth of digital media, the figure of the digital marketing consultant is increasingly present, not only in large companies but also among SMEs that seek to create an Internet presence.

Because it is a relatively recent area and still unknown to most entrepreneurs, the digital marketing consulting become necessary to guide the structuring and investment decisions in this area. Companies are gradually becoming aware that digital marketing services require qualified professionals and that a solid digital marketing strategy that brings real results.

A Digital Marketing Consultant acts strategically helping companies to stipulate a set of guidelines for online and sometimes offline marketing actions that ensure exposure and return of the brand identity in digital media.

It is the function of the digital marketing consultant to analyze the purpose and situation of the company in order to be able to then structure a digital marketing services that includes the macro strategy of the companies and the detailing of the actions to be implemented in the different areas of digital marketing in order to reach the determined in the strategic planning stage.

In this planning are defined as:

  • Objectives of the brand's online presence;
  • Immediate needs in light of the market situation;
  • Identification of key competitors with a good online presence;
  • Definition of channels and media to be used in online campaigns;
  • Definition of systems, metrics, and KPIs to be monitored.

A digital marketing consultancy is a service that supports organizations and their managers in helping them understand and define the best alternatives in the online advertising market and the implications of their adoption. It is the role of the online marketing consultant to list the options available, their costs and results, in order to support the decisions of the business managers.Training a digital marketing consultant is a process that does not happen overnight. He is a professional who in addition to gathering skills and abilities in the various areas of digital marketing strategies, also has experience in the industry that accredits him as support professional in the field of online business.

A strategic marketing consultant actually sells your experience and in-depth knowledge of the many online marketing tools and their integrations. Solid and well structured digital marketing services are fundamental for every professional that is dedicated to this area. This training involves areas such as search marketing, social networking, email marketing, and other related fields. With a broad and comprehensive training, the digital marketing consultant gets a broad overview of the techniques and tools available for creating actions in online media.

When to hire an online marketing consultant?

In general, companies realize the importance of hiring a digital media marketing consultant when they think of hiring a digital agency or individual online service providers and find they do not know what to hire and how to oversee the execution of this work.

This is a very common situation in today's marketplace, so much so that many of the participants in our digital marketing courses at the Marketing Academy are not people who want to make a career in the field but rather managers who need to position themselves on what is in the market to be able to be guided at the time of hiring digital marketing services.

It is necessary to make a clear distinction between the work of consulting in digital marketing and the execution of the tasks listed in the planning stage, since many times, the consultant is not who will ope-rationalize the suggested actions, but only act in the strategic planning part , and depending on the contract, oversee its implementation.

The consultant does not directly execute the actions suggested in the digital strategic planning but monitors and analyzes the results of these actions through appropriate metrics and KPIs to refine these actions or correct any distortions.

The implementation of the suggested actions will be in charge of digital agencies and other professionals that can be suggested by the consultant himself. A good digital marketing consultant has an extensive network of professional contacts and the necessary exemption to indicate the companies and professionals that best fit the needs and budget of the brand.

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